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Katie Couric revealed breast cancer after her mammogram test: 7 Unknown facts about her family cancer history!

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Katie Couric, an American journalist, presenter, author, and the founder of Katie Couric Media, a multimedia news agency, revealed her breast cancer results after her mammogram test.

She revealed that she was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year after her mammogram test.

Couric shared about her health in an essay published Wednesday on her Katie Couric Media website.  She said that she had a mammogram in June, her breast radiologist, Dr.Susan Drossman performed a biopsy and confirmed a cancer diagnosis on the next day.

Couric expressed her emotions in a post titled “Why NOT Me? on her website 

Katie Couric’s breast cancer statement

“I felt sick and the room started to spin. I was in the middle of an open office, so I walked to a corner and spoke quietly, my mouth unable to keep up with the questions swirling in my head,” Couric wrote in the essay. “What does this mean? Will I need a mastectomy? Will I need chemo? What will the next weeks, months, even years look like?”  


Couric’s cancer was diagnosed as “highly treatable” and after undergoing surgery and several sessions of radiation and several months of treatment, she ended up her final round of radiation yesterday. 

In the wake of her suffering from breast cancer, Katie is encouraging people to keep up with their regular mammogram checks as well.


Katie Couric’s Family Cancer Facts:

Does Katie Couric have cancer?

Katie was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2022.  It was the first day of summer and  Katie’s 8th wedding anniversary.  She revealed that she had breast cancer in her essay.

What type of tumor does Katie Couric have?

Katie’s tumor was hormone receptor-positive, HER2new-negative.  Her doctor told her was “highly treatable as it was detected early”

The hormone receptor-positive element means the breast cancer cells may have either estrogen (ER) or progesterone (PR) receptors or both. 

Hormone receptor positive cancers tend to grow slower than those that are hormone receptor-negative.

breast cancer

Did Katie Couric’s first husband have cancer?

Katie’s first husband, John Paul Jay Monahan III, died of colon cancer.

Did Katie Couric’s sister Emily have cancer?

Jay was the first member of Katie’s family to develop cancer.  Katie’s sister Emily was also diagnosed with ‘pancreatic cancer’.  She was a Democratic state senator in Virginia, the illness caused Emily to drop out of the race for lieutenant governor.  Emily was born on June 8, 1947, was the eldest of Couric’s four siblings.

Did Katie Couric’s current husband John Molner have cancer?

Katie’s current husband, John Molner, had cancer in 2013.  He experienced atypical fatigue, stomach pain and nausea.  His friends noticed that John had lost weight.

On February 24, 2014,  John had liver resection surgery to remove a cancerous coconut-sized tumor.  He was hospitalized for several days.  Luckily, the surgery was successful and he remains cancer-free.

Did Katie’s parents have cancer?

As if all this was an endless game, Katie’s parents and in-laws have been touched by cancer as well.  Elinor Couric, Katie’s mother, was diagnosed with mantle cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

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Katie’s father, John Martin Couric, was diagnosed with prostate cancer.  He was treated with radioactive seeds.  

Additionally, Katie Couric’s mother-in-law Carol Monahan had ovarian cancer.

What is Stand Up to Cancer?

Katie Couric and her co-founders started Stand Up to Cancer on May 27, 2008.

Stand Up to Cancer is a charitable organization that raises awareness and supports collaborative research by the top cancer scientists in the country.  By the end of 2021. SU2C scientists have contributed to the development of 9 new FDA cancer-fighting drugs and raised more than 745 million dollars.

When do women have mammogram screenings?

Women ages 40 to 44 should have access to annual breast cancer screening with mammograms.  And women ages 45-54 should get mammograms every year.

Starting at age 55, the American Cancer Society recommends women can switch to mammogram test every two years or continue annual screenings.

Starting at age 55, the American Cancer Society recommends women switch to mammograms every two years or continue annual screenings.

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